Knowledge of international container transportation system (5) Basic knowledge of containers

  • Categories:Industry knowledge
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  • Origin:This site
  • Time of issue:2018-09-23 15:23
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(Summary description)Basicknowledgeofcontainers Containersarewidelyusedinimportandexportcargotransportation.Herearesomecommonknowledgeaboutcontainerfreight:1.Container(container)Theso-calledcontainerreferstoalarge-scaleloadingcontainerwithacertainstrength,stiffnessandspecificationsdedicatedtoturnover.Containerscanbeusedtotransfergoods,whichcanbeloadeddirectlyattheconsignor'swarehouseandunloadedattheconsignee'swarehouse.Itisnotnecessarytotakethegoodsoutoftheboxandchangethemwhenchangingthecarorshipmidway.Accordingtothetypeofgoodsloaded,therearegeneralcargocontainers,bulkcontainers,liquidcargocontainers,reefercontainers,etc.;accordingtomanufacturingmaterials,therearewoodencontainers,steelcontainers,aluminumalloycontainers,glassfiberreinforcedplasticcontainers,stainlesssteelcontainers,etc.;bystructureTherearefoldingcontainers,fixedcontainers,etc.Amongthefixedcontainers,closedcontainers,open-topcontainers,andpalletcontainerscanalsobedivided.Accordingtothetotalweight,thereare30tonsofcontainers,20tonsofcontainers,10tonsofcontainers,5Toncontainer,2.5toncontainer,etc.2.ContainersoverallexternaldimensionsThelargestexternallength,widthandheightdimensionsofacontainer,includingitspermanentattachments.Itisthemainparametertodeterminewhetherthecontainercanbereloadedbetweenships,chassistrucks,trucks,andrailwayvehicles.Itisanimportanttechnicalinformationthatalltransportationdepartmentsmustmaster.3.ContainersinternaldimensionsThemaximumlength,widthandheightofthecontainer.Theheightisthedistancefromthebottomsurfaceoftheboxtothebottomofthetopplateofthebox,thewidthisthedistancebetweenthetwoinnerliningplates,andthelengthisthedistancefromtheinnerplateoftheboxdoortotheinnerwalloftheendwall.Itdeterminestheinnervolumeofthecontainerandthemaximumsizeofthecargointhebox.4.ContainerunobstructedcapacityTheloadingvolumecalculatedaccordingtotheinternaldimensionsofthecontainer.Thecontentsofcontainersofthesamespecificationareslightlydifferentduetodifferentstructuresandmanufacturingmaterials.Thecontainerinternalvolumeisimportanttechnicalinformationthatmustbemasteredbythematerialdepartmentorotherpackers.5.Twenty-feetequivalentunits(TEU),alsoknownasthe20-footconversionunit,isaconversionunitforcalculatingthenumberofcontainers.Atpresent,mostcontainersinvariouscountriesusetwotypesofcontainers:20feetand40feetlong.Inordertounifythecalculationofthenumberofcontainerboxes,a20-footcontainerisusedasacalculationunit,anda40-footcontainerisusedastwocalculationunits,soastofacilitatetheunifiedcalculationofthecontaineroperationvolume.6.Containerleasingisabusinesswheretheownerleasesemptycontainerstotheuser.Theownerofthecontaineristhecontaineroftheleasedparty,andtheuser,usuallytheshippingcompanyorthecargoowner,isthepartyofthelease,andthetwopartiessigntheleasecontract.Thequalifiedcontainerprovidedbythelessorishandedovertothelesseewithintheagreedscope.Therearemanydifferentwaysofleasingcontainersintheworld.Insummary,thereare:processcharter,timecharter,timecharter,andblockagecharteringwithinthenavigationarea.7.Thecontainerterminalisthespecifichandlingdepartmentthathandlestheexchangeofcontainersorcargoduringcontainertransportation.Itisentrustedbythecarrieroritsagenttocarryoutthefollowingoperations:exchangeandstorageofFCLfreight;thosewhohavecontainerfreightstations,handlethedeliveryofLCLcargo;arrangetheberthingofcontainerships,loadandunloadcontainers,Compilestowageplanforeachvoyage;Compileandsignrelevantfreightdocuments;Prepareandsignrelevantdocumentsforthemovementofcontainersinandoutofvehicles;Handleinspectionsandmaintenanceofcontainersandvehicles,loadingandunloadingtools,andemptycontainersCleaning,fumigationandotherwork;emptyboxreceivingandsending,storageandcustody;arrangingstackingofemptyboxesandheavyboxesattheyard,andpreparingsiteallocationplans;otherrelatedbusinesswork.Thecontainerloadingandunloadingareaisgenerallycomposedofadedicatedwharf,frontier,storageyard,freightstation,controltower,repairdepartment,gateandoffice.Sometimestheyardorfreightstationcanbeextendedtoatransitstationwithintheurbanareaof​​5-15kilometers.8.Marshallingyardreferstothesitewherecontainersaretemporarilystackedinfrontofthecontainerterminaltospeeduptheloadingandunloadingoperationsofships.Itsroleis:beforethecontainershiparrivesattheport,thereareplanstostacktheexportcontainersneatlyandcentrallyaccordingtothestowagerequirements.Whenunloadingtheship,temporarilyimportcontainersarestackedinfrontofthewharftospeedupshiploadingandunloadingoperations.9.ContaineryardTheplacewheretheheavyoremptycontainersarehandedover,storedandstored.Insomecountries,containeryardsarenotdividedintofrontyardsorrearyards,whicharecollectivelyreferredtoasyards.Thecontaineryardisapartofthecontainerloadingandunloadingarea.Itistheplacewherethefullcontainerloadishandedoverbythe"fieldtofield"handovermethodofcontainertransportation(actually,thehandoverisperformedatthe"gateway"ofthecontainerunloadingarea).10.Emptycontaineryard(vanpool)Aplacespeciallyforemptycontainercollection,storage,storageortransfer.Itissetuponlywhenthecontainerloadingareaorthetransfers

Knowledge of international container transportation system (5) Basic knowledge of containers

(Summary description)Basicknowledgeofcontainers Containersarewidelyusedinimportandexportcargotransportation.Herearesomecommonknowledgeaboutcontainerfreight:1.Container(container)Theso-calledcontainerreferstoalarge-scaleloadingcontainerwithacertainstrength,stiffnessandspecificationsdedicatedtoturnover.Containerscanbeusedtotransfergoods,whichcanbeloadeddirectlyattheconsignor'swarehouseandunloadedattheconsignee'swarehouse.Itisnotnecessarytotakethegoodsoutoftheboxandchangethemwhenchangingthecarorshipmidway.Accordingtothetypeofgoodsloaded,therearegeneralcargocontainers,bulkcontainers,liquidcargocontainers,reefercontainers,etc.;accordingtomanufacturingmaterials,therearewoodencontainers,steelcontainers,aluminumalloycontainers,glassfiberreinforcedplasticcontainers,stainlesssteelcontainers,etc.;bystructureTherearefoldingcontainers,fixedcontainers,etc.Amongthefixedcontainers,closedcontainers,open-topcontainers,andpalletcontainerscanalsobedivided.Accordingtothetotalweight,thereare30tonsofcontainers,20tonsofcontainers,10tonsofcontainers,5Toncontainer,2.5toncontainer,etc.2.ContainersoverallexternaldimensionsThelargestexternallength,widthandheightdimensionsofacontainer,includingitspermanentattachments.Itisthemainparametertodeterminewhetherthecontainercanbereloadedbetweenships,chassistrucks,trucks,andrailwayvehicles.Itisanimportanttechnicalinformationthatalltransportationdepartmentsmustmaster.3.ContainersinternaldimensionsThemaximumlength,widthandheightofthecontainer.Theheightisthedistancefromthebottomsurfaceoftheboxtothebottomofthetopplateofthebox,thewidthisthedistancebetweenthetwoinnerliningplates,andthelengthisthedistancefromtheinnerplateoftheboxdoortotheinnerwalloftheendwall.Itdeterminestheinnervolumeofthecontainerandthemaximumsizeofthecargointhebox.4.ContainerunobstructedcapacityTheloadingvolumecalculatedaccordingtotheinternaldimensionsofthecontainer.Thecontentsofcontainersofthesamespecificationareslightlydifferentduetodifferentstructuresandmanufacturingmaterials.Thecontainerinternalvolumeisimportanttechnicalinformationthatmustbemasteredbythematerialdepartmentorotherpackers.5.Twenty-feetequivalentunits(TEU),alsoknownasthe20-footconversionunit,isaconversionunitforcalculatingthenumberofcontainers.Atpresent,mostcontainersinvariouscountriesusetwotypesofcontainers:20feetand40feetlong.Inordertounifythecalculationofthenumberofcontainerboxes,a20-footcontainerisusedasacalculationunit,anda40-footcontainerisusedastwocalculationunits,soastofacilitatetheunifiedcalculationofthecontaineroperationvolume.6.Containerleasingisabusinesswheretheownerleasesemptycontainerstotheuser.Theownerofthecontaineristhecontaineroftheleasedparty,andtheuser,usuallytheshippingcompanyorthecargoowner,isthepartyofthelease,andthetwopartiessigntheleasecontract.Thequalifiedcontainerprovidedbythelessorishandedovertothelesseewithintheagreedscope.Therearemanydifferentwaysofleasingcontainersintheworld.Insummary,thereare:processcharter,timecharter,timecharter,andblockagecharteringwithinthenavigationarea.7.Thecontainerterminalisthespecifichandlingdepartmentthathandlestheexchangeofcontainersorcargoduringcontainertransportation.Itisentrustedbythecarrieroritsagenttocarryoutthefollowingoperations:exchangeandstorageofFCLfreight;thosewhohavecontainerfreightstations,handlethedeliveryofLCLcargo;arrangetheberthingofcontainerships,loadandunloadcontainers,Compilestowageplanforeachvoyage;Compileandsignrelevantfreightdocuments;Prepareandsignrelevantdocumentsforthemovementofcontainersinandoutofvehicles;Handleinspectionsandmaintenanceofcontainersandvehicles,loadingandunloadingtools,andemptycontainersCleaning,fumigationandotherwork;emptyboxreceivingandsending,storageandcustody;arrangingstackingofemptyboxesandheavyboxesattheyard,andpreparingsiteallocationplans;otherrelatedbusinesswork.Thecontainerloadingandunloadingareaisgenerallycomposedofadedicatedwharf,frontier,storageyard,freightstation,controltower,repairdepartment,gateandoffice.Sometimestheyardorfreightstationcanbeextendedtoatransitstationwithintheurbanareaof​​5-15kilometers.8.Marshallingyardreferstothesitewherecontainersaretemporarilystackedinfrontofthecontainerterminaltospeeduptheloadingandunloadingoperationsofships.Itsroleis:beforethecontainershiparrivesattheport,thereareplanstostacktheexportcontainersneatlyandcentrallyaccordingtothestowagerequirements.Whenunloadingtheship,temporarilyimportcontainersarestackedinfrontofthewharftospeedupshiploadingandunloadingoperations.9.ContaineryardTheplacewheretheheavyoremptycontainersarehandedover,storedandstored.Insomecountries,containeryardsarenotdividedintofrontyardsorrearyards,whicharecollectivelyreferredtoasyards.Thecontaineryardisapartofthecontainerloadingandunloadingarea.Itistheplacewherethefullcontainerloadishandedoverbythe"fieldtofield"handovermethodofcontainertransportation(actually,thehandoverisperformedatthe"gateway"ofthecontainerunloadingarea).10.Emptycontaineryard(vanpool)Aplacespeciallyforemptycontainercollection,storage,storageortransfer.Itissetuponlywhenthecontainerloadingareaorthetransfers

  • Categories:Industry knowledge
  • Author:Webmaster
  • Origin:This site
  • Time of issue:2018-09-23 15:23
  • Views:
Basic knowledge of containers
Containers are widely used in import and export cargo transportation. Here are some common knowledge about container freight:
1. Container (container) The so-called container refers to a large-scale loading container with a certain strength, stiffness and specifications dedicated to turnover. Containers can be used to transfer goods, which can be loaded directly at the consignor's warehouse and unloaded at the consignee's warehouse. It is not necessary to take the goods out of the box and change them when changing the car or ship midway. According to the type of goods loaded, there are general cargo containers, bulk containers, liquid cargo containers, reefer containers, etc .; according to manufacturing materials, there are wooden containers, steel containers, aluminum alloy containers, glass fiber reinforced plastic containers, stainless steel containers, etc .; by structure There are folding containers, fixed containers, etc. Among the fixed containers, closed containers, open-top containers, and pallet containers can also be divided. According to the total weight, there are 30 tons of containers, 20 tons of containers, 10 tons of containers, 5 Ton container, 2.5 ton container, etc.
2. Containers overall external dimensions The largest external length, width and height dimensions of a container, including its permanent attachments. It is the main parameter to determine whether the container can be reloaded between ships, chassis trucks, trucks, and railway vehicles. It is an important technical information that all transportation departments must master.
3. Containers internal dimensions The maximum length, width and height of the container. The height is the distance from the bottom surface of the box to the bottom of the top plate of the box, the width is the distance between the two inner lining plates, and the length is the distance from the inner plate of the box door to the inner wall of the end wall. It determines the inner volume of the container and the maximum size of the cargo in the box.
4. Container unobstructed capacity The loading volume calculated according to the internal dimensions of the container. The contents of containers of the same specification are slightly different due to different structures and manufacturing materials. The container internal volume is important technical information that must be mastered by the material department or other packers.
5. Twenty-feet equivalent units (TEU), also known as the 20-foot conversion unit, is a conversion unit for calculating the number of containers. At present, most containers in various countries use two types of containers: 20 feet and 40 feet long. In order to unify the calculation of the number of container boxes, a 20-foot container is used as a calculation unit, and a 40-foot container is used as two calculation units, so as to facilitate the unified calculation of the container operation volume.
6. Container leasing is a business where the owner leases empty containers to the user. The owner of the container is the container of the leased party, and the user, usually the shipping company or the cargo owner, is the party of the lease, and the two parties sign the lease contract. The qualified container provided by the lessor is handed over to the lessee within the agreed scope. There are many different ways of leasing containers in the world. In summary, there are: process charter, time charter, time charter, and blockage chartering within the navigation area.
7. The container terminal is the specific handling department that handles the exchange of containers or cargo during container transportation. It is entrusted by the carrier or its agent to carry out the following operations: exchange and storage of FCL freight; those who have container freight stations, handle the delivery of LCL cargo; arrange the berthing of container ships, load and unload containers, Compile stowage plan for each voyage; Compile and sign relevant freight documents; Prepare and sign relevant documents for the movement of containers in and out of vehicles; Handle inspections and maintenance of containers and vehicles, loading and unloading tools, and empty containers Cleaning, fumigation and other work; empty box receiving and sending, storage and custody; arranging stacking of empty boxes and heavy boxes at the yard, and preparing site allocation plans; other related business work. The container loading and unloading area is generally composed of a dedicated wharf, frontier, storage yard, freight station, control tower, repair department, gate and office. Sometimes the yard or freight station can be extended to a transit station within the urban area of ​​5-15 kilometers.
8. Marshalling yard refers to the site where containers are temporarily stacked in front of the container terminal to speed up the loading and unloading operations of ships. Its role is: before the container ship arrives at the port, there are plans to stack the export containers neatly and centrally according to the stowage requirements. When unloading the ship, temporarily import containers are stacked in front of the wharf to speed up ship loading and unloading operations.
9. Container yard The place where the heavy or empty containers are handed over, stored and stored. In some countries, container yards are not divided into front yards or rear yards, which are collectively referred to as yards. The container yard is a part of the container loading and unloading area. It is the place where the full container load is handed over by the "field to field" handover method of container transportation (actually, the handover is performed at the "gateway" of the container unloading area).
10. Empty container yard (van pool) A place specially for empty container collection, storage, storage or transfer. It is set up only when the container loading area or the transfer station yard is insufficient. This yard does not handle heavy containers or cargo transfer. It can be operated independently, or it can be set up outside the container loading and unloading area. In some countries, such empty container yards must be declared to the Shipping Association.
11. Intermediate station or inland station (container depot or inland depot) Transit station or distribution center for container transportation outside the seaport. Its role is the same as that of container loading and unloading operations, except that there is no loading and unloading operation of container-only ships. Measurements of transit stations or inland stations include urban transit stations at container loading and unloading stations, inland cities, and inland stations at inland ports.
12. Container freight station (CFS for short): A place where both sides of the container and the cargo handling and loading / unpacking of LCL handle the transfer. The carrier can only entrust the operator of one container freight station in a port or inland city. It handles the following main business on behalf of the carrier: Tallying and handing over the LCL cargo; if there is any abnormality in the appearance inspection of the cargo, apply for annotation; stowage and packing of the LCL cargo; Unpacking and storage; adding lead seals on behalf of the carrier and issuing station receipts; handling various documents and preparation, etc.
13. Shippers liabilities Shippers' responsibilities in container transportation are not exactly the same as those in traditional shipping. The responsibilities of the LCL shipper are the same as for traditional shipping. The responsibilities of the FCL shipper are different from those of traditional transportation: It should ensure the accuracy and completeness of the reported freight information; the carrier has the right to check the goods contained in the box, and the costs incurred due to the check shall be borne by the shipper; customs or The cost of unpacking inspection by other authorities, and the resulting cargo damage, shall be borne by the shipper; if the container is not full, or the padding is poor, the stowage is improper, or the goods are not suitable for container transportation, which will cause The shipper shall be responsible for the cargo damage and poor cargo; if the shipper's own airworthy container is used, the shipper shall be responsible for the cargo damage accident; the use of the carrier's container and equipment will cause third party property Or damage to life, the shipper shall be responsible for compensation.
14. Limits of liability The maximum compensation amount that the carrier shall bear in case of cargo damage or shortage in container transportation. Limitation of liability for LCL is the same as for traditional shipping. The compensation for the full container is in accordance with some current international jurisprudence: if the number of goods contained in the box is not listed on the bill of lading, each box is used as a unit of claim calculation; Calculation; if the damage and loss of the goods is not a sea freight, but occurs in inland transportation, the maximum compensation for land transportation will be applied; if the container is owned or provided by the shipper, if there is loss or damage, The responsibility is indeed the carrier's responsibility, and it should also be regarded as a claim calculation unit.
15. Uniform liability system: A system of compensation for the liability for damage to goods by a combined transport operator. According to this system, the carrier who issues the combined bill of lading is responsible for the entire transportation responsibility to the owner, that is, no matter which stage of transportation the cargo is damaged in, the freight is responsible for the same responsibility. If it is possible to ascertain the stage of transportation in which the damage occurred, the intermodal carrier may, after compensation, recover from the actual carrier of that stage of transportation.
16. Network liability system A liability system for intermodal operators' liability for cargo damage. According to this system, although the carrier that issues the combined bill of lading, although the carrier is still responsible for the entire transportation, the compensation for damages is not the same as the system of liability, but is based on the content of the liability during the transportation stage where the damage occurred. For example, damage occurs during the maritime transport phase and is handled in accordance with international freight regulations; if it occurs during the rail or road transport phase, it is handled in accordance with relevant international or domestic law.
17. Container rules of freight conference In some countries' container ship routes, in order to monopolize container shipping on their own routes, shipping associations have formulated container shipping rules for suppliers. These rules are formulated by the guilds based on the route conditions within the guild's operating range. Therefore, the contents of the rules of each guild are different, but the basic spirit is the same, that is, the responsibilities of the ship and the cargo are the same. The contents of the rules generally include the following aspects: container loading and unloading ports, distribution and transportation; interpretation of container shipping terms; various responsibilities of the ship and the cargo in various modes of delivery; booking procedures and declaration of freight information; Port terms and accident clauses; issuance of bills of lading; equipment handover procedures, use of free time and demurrage charges; delivery procedures; freight calculation methods and payment; various charge items collection methods, rate change regulations; currency system, depreciation, Value-added regulations; inland transportation regulations and fees.
18. Receiving and delivery system In container transportation, there are the following methods for the transfer of FCL and LCL between the ship and the cargo: Door to door: The shipper is responsible for loading After the container or factory warehouse is delivered to the carrier for acceptance, the container is responsible for the entire transportation until the receiver's warehouse or factory warehouse delivers the box. This kind of on-line transportation is called "door to door" transportation; door to cy: From the shipper's warehouse or factory warehouse to the destination or the container loading and unloading yard of the unloading port. Door to cfs: container freight station from consignor's warehouse or factory warehouse to destination or unloading port; cy to door: loading and unloading of containers from the place of departure or loading port Warehouse yard or factory warehouse from consignee to consignee; cy to cy: container yard from container loading area at the place of departure or loading port to container depot area at destination or unloading port; Cy to cfs: from the container loading and unloading yard of the port of departure or loading port to the container freight station at the destination or port of unloading; cfs to door: from the port of loading or port of loading Container freight station to consignee's warehouse or factory warehouse; cfs to cy: From the container freight station at the place of origin or loading port to the container loading area at the destination or unloading port; station to station (Cfs to cfs): from a container freight station at the point of departure or loading port to a container freight station at the destination or port of unloading;
19. Full container load (FCL) is the relative term for LCL. The consignor is responsible for packing, counting, stowage and lead-sealed freight. The unpacking of FCL is generally handled by the consignee. However, the carrier can also be entrusted to unpack at the freight station. However, the carrier is not responsible for any damage to or damage to the goods in the box. Unless the consignor proves that the damage was caused by the carrier's liability, the carrier is responsible for compensation. The carrier takes the container as the delivery unit for the whole container. As long as the appearance of the container is similar to that at the time of receipt and the seal is complete, the carrier has fulfilled its responsibilities for carriage. On the FCL bill of lading, the clause of "packing, counting and sealing by the client" should be added.
20. Less than container load (LCL) The relative term for FCL refers to small-ticket goods that are less than one full container. This kind of cargo is usually collected by the carrier and concentrated at the container freight station or inland station, and then the two or more votes of goods are assembled in a container, which must also be at the container freight station or at the destination. Delivered separately at the land station. For such goods, the carrier has to bear the packing and unpacking operations, and the packing and unpacking costs are still charged to the cargo side. The carrier's responsibility for LCL is basically the same as for traditional general cargo transportation.
21. Number of slots The number of container boxes that can be recorded by a full container ship. Each full container special vessel expresses its container capacity in 20-foot conversion units.
22. Slots On the container yard, draw a regular grid to indicate the location of the stacked containers according to the corresponding scale of the container. Numbers are marked on the bins to facilitate shipment.
23. Bay number The horizontal stowage position of the container on the special vessel. The numbering method is to indicate from the bow to the stern: 01, 02, 03 ...
24. Row number (also called row number), the stowage position of the container on the special ship. There are two methods of labeling: one is from the port side to the right, and it is marked as follows: 01, 02 ... The other is from the left to the right. The port number is a single number, which is coded from the center line to the left as: 01, 03, 05 ..., and the center line is numbered to the starboard as a double number: 02, 04, 06 ....
25. Tier number The vertical bulk load position of the container on the special vessel. There are two types of numbering methods: deck and warehouse. The numbers on the deck are numbered from top to bottom, and a "D" is added before the numbers. The numbers in the cabin are numbered from top to bottom, and an "H" is added before the numbers.
26. Slot number The storage position of the container on the ship. It consists of six numbers, the first two numbers are the row number, the middle two numbers are the line number, and the last two numbers are the layer number. For example, bin 0402D1 indicates that this container is stowed on the first floor of the second row of the fourth row starboard.
27. Pre-stowage plan of container

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