Knowledge of International Container Transportation System (2) Overview of Multimodal Transport

  • Categories:Industry knowledge
  • Author:本站站长
  • Origin:本站
  • Time of issue:2017-12-08 08:52
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(Summary description)OverviewofInternationalContainerMultimodalTransport Internationalcontainertransportationisanadvancedmoderntransportationmethod.Comparedwiththetraditionalmodeofbulkcargotransportation,ithasthecharacteristicsofhightransportationefficiency,goodeconomicbenefitsandexcellentservicequality.Becauseofthis,containertransportationhasdevelopedrapidlyaroundtheworldandhasbecomethebestmodeoftransportationforcountriesaroundtheworldtoensureinternationaltrade.Especiallyafterdecadesofdevelopment,asthecompletesetofsoftwareandhardwaretechnologyforcontainertransportationhasmatured,bythe1980s,containertransportationhadenteredtheeraofinternationalmultimodaltransport.Internationalmultimodaltransportisanewmodeoftransportorganizationusingcontainersforintermodaltransport.Itusessea,land,airandothertwomeansoftransportationtocompletethecoherentinternationaltransportationofgoods,therebybreakingthetraditionalpracticeofinconsistentsinglesea,rail,publicandairtransportmodes.Today,providinghigh-qualityinternationalmultimodaltransportserviceshasbecomeanimportantmeansforcontaineroperatorstoenhancetheircompetitiveness.I.DefinitionandCharacteristicsofInternationalMultimodalTransportInternationalMultimodalTransport(MultimodaITransport)isaformofintermodaltransportthataimstoachievetheoptimalbenefitsofoverallcargotransportation.Itusuallyusesacontainerasatransportationunit,andorganicallycombinesdifferenttransportationmethodstoformacontinuous,comprehensiveandintegratedcargotransportation.Throughoneconsignment,onebilling,onedocument,andoneinsurance,thecarriersofeachtransportationsectionjointlycompletetheentiretransportationofthegoods,thatis,theentiretransportationofthegoodsisarrangedasacompletesingletransportationprocess.However,itisverydifferentfromthetraditionalsinglemodeoftransportation.Accordingtothedefinitionofthe1980UnitedNationsConventiononInternationalMultimodalTransport(hereinafterreferredtoasthe"MultimodalTransportConvention")andthe"RulesfortheManagementofInternationalMultimodalTransportofContainers"jointlyissuedbytheMinistryofCommunicationsandtheMinistryofRailwaysin1997,internationalmultimodaltransportisMeans"inaccordancewithamultimodaltransportcontract,atleasttwodifferentmodesoftransport,thetransportofgoodsbyamultimodaltransportoperatorfromtheplacewherethegoodsaretakenoverinonecountrytothedesignatedplacedeliveredinanothercountry".Accordingtothisdefinition,combinedwithactualinternationalpractices,itcanbeconcludedthatthefollowingfeaturesorbasicconditionsmustbeincludedintheformationofinternationalmultimodaltransport:(1)Musthaveamultimodaltransportcontract.Thistransportationcontractisthecontractualrelationshipbetweenthemultimodaltransportoperatorandtheshipper'srights,obligations,responsibilitiesandexemptions,andthedeterminationofthenatureofthetransportation.Itisalsothemainbasisfordistinguishingmultimodaltransportfromgeneralcargotransportation.(2)Afullmultimodaltransportdocumentmustbeused.Thedocumentshouldmeettheneedsofdifferentmodesoftransportandchargetheentirefreightrateatasinglefreightrate.(3)Mustbecontinuoustransportationwithatleasttwodifferentmodesoftransportation.(4)Itmustbeinternationalcargotransportation.Thisisnotonlydifferentfromdomesticcargotransportation,butismainlyrelatedtotheapplicationofinternationaltransportationregulations.(5)Amultimodaltransportoperatormustberesponsiblefortheentiretransportationofgoods.Themultimodaltransportoperatorisnotonlythepartytothemultimodaltransportcontract,butalsotheissuerofthemultimodaltransportdocument.Ofcourse,whilethemultimodaltransportoperatorfulfillsthetransportationresponsibilitiesspecifiedinthemultimodaltransportcontract,itmayentrustallorpartofthetransporttoanotherperson(sub-carrier)tocompleteandconcludeasub-transportcontract.However,thereisnocontractualrelationshipbetweenthecarrierandtheshipperofthesub-contract.Itcanbeseenthatthemainfeatureofinternationalmultimodaltransportisthatthemultimodaltransportoperatorsignsatransportcontractwiththeshippertoorganizetheentiretransportation,andimplementsoneshipmentduringtheentirejourney,oneordertotheend,onecharge,unifiedclaimsandfullresponsibility.Itisanadvancedformofcargotransportationorganizationfortheconvenienceofshippersandshippers.AdvantagesofInternationalMultimodalTransportInternationalmultimodaltransportisamoreadvancedformoftransportationorganizationthansectiontransport.Inthe1960s,theUnitedStatesfirstpilotedmultimodaltransportoperationsandwaswelcomedbycargoowners.Subsequently,internationalmultimodaltransportbegantobeadoptedinNorthAmerica,EuropeandtheFarEast;inthe1980s,internationalmultimodaltransportwasgraduallyimplementedindevelopingcountries.Atpresent,internationalmultimodaltransporthasbecomeanewtypeofimportantinternationalcontainertransportationmethod,whichhasreceivedwidespreadattentionfromtheinternationalshippingcommunity.TheUnitedNationsConventiononInternationalMultimodalTransportwasconvenedinGenevainMay1980attheUnitedNationsConventiononInternationalMultimodalTransport.Theconventionwillenterintoforceoneyearafterratificationandaccessionby30countries

Knowledge of International Container Transportation System (2) Overview of Multimodal Transport

(Summary description)OverviewofInternationalContainerMultimodalTransport Internationalcontainertransportationisanadvancedmoderntransportationmethod.Comparedwiththetraditionalmodeofbulkcargotransportation,ithasthecharacteristicsofhightransportationefficiency,goodeconomicbenefitsandexcellentservicequality.Becauseofthis,containertransportationhasdevelopedrapidlyaroundtheworldandhasbecomethebestmodeoftransportationforcountriesaroundtheworldtoensureinternationaltrade.Especiallyafterdecadesofdevelopment,asthecompletesetofsoftwareandhardwaretechnologyforcontainertransportationhasmatured,bythe1980s,containertransportationhadenteredtheeraofinternationalmultimodaltransport.Internationalmultimodaltransportisanewmodeoftransportorganizationusingcontainersforintermodaltransport.Itusessea,land,airandothertwomeansoftransportationtocompletethecoherentinternationaltransportationofgoods,therebybreakingthetraditionalpracticeofinconsistentsinglesea,rail,publicandairtransportmodes.Today,providinghigh-qualityinternationalmultimodaltransportserviceshasbecomeanimportantmeansforcontaineroperatorstoenhancetheircompetitiveness.I.DefinitionandCharacteristicsofInternationalMultimodalTransportInternationalMultimodalTransport(MultimodaITransport)isaformofintermodaltransportthataimstoachievetheoptimalbenefitsofoverallcargotransportation.Itusuallyusesacontainerasatransportationunit,andorganicallycombinesdifferenttransportationmethodstoformacontinuous,comprehensiveandintegratedcargotransportation.Throughoneconsignment,onebilling,onedocument,andoneinsurance,thecarriersofeachtransportationsectionjointlycompletetheentiretransportationofthegoods,thatis,theentiretransportationofthegoodsisarrangedasacompletesingletransportationprocess.However,itisverydifferentfromthetraditionalsinglemodeoftransportation.Accordingtothedefinitionofthe1980UnitedNationsConventiononInternationalMultimodalTransport(hereinafterreferredtoasthe"MultimodalTransportConvention")andthe"RulesfortheManagementofInternationalMultimodalTransportofContainers"jointlyissuedbytheMinistryofCommunicationsandtheMinistryofRailwaysin1997,internationalmultimodaltransportisMeans"inaccordancewithamultimodaltransportcontract,atleasttwodifferentmodesoftransport,thetransportofgoodsbyamultimodaltransportoperatorfromtheplacewherethegoodsaretakenoverinonecountrytothedesignatedplacedeliveredinanothercountry".Accordingtothisdefinition,combinedwithactualinternationalpractices,itcanbeconcludedthatthefollowingfeaturesorbasicconditionsmustbeincludedintheformationofinternationalmultimodaltransport:(1)Musthaveamultimodaltransportcontract.Thistransportationcontractisthecontractualrelationshipbetweenthemultimodaltransportoperatorandtheshipper'srights,obligations,responsibilitiesandexemptions,andthedeterminationofthenatureofthetransportation.Itisalsothemainbasisfordistinguishingmultimodaltransportfromgeneralcargotransportation.(2)Afullmultimodaltransportdocumentmustbeused.Thedocumentshouldmeettheneedsofdifferentmodesoftransportandchargetheentirefreightrateatasinglefreightrate.(3)Mustbecontinuoustransportationwithatleasttwodifferentmodesoftransportation.(4)Itmustbeinternationalcargotransportation.Thisisnotonlydifferentfromdomesticcargotransportation,butismainlyrelatedtotheapplicationofinternationaltransportationregulations.(5)Amultimodaltransportoperatormustberesponsiblefortheentiretransportationofgoods.Themultimodaltransportoperatorisnotonlythepartytothemultimodaltransportcontract,butalsotheissuerofthemultimodaltransportdocument.Ofcourse,whilethemultimodaltransportoperatorfulfillsthetransportationresponsibilitiesspecifiedinthemultimodaltransportcontract,itmayentrustallorpartofthetransporttoanotherperson(sub-carrier)tocompleteandconcludeasub-transportcontract.However,thereisnocontractualrelationshipbetweenthecarrierandtheshipperofthesub-contract.Itcanbeseenthatthemainfeatureofinternationalmultimodaltransportisthatthemultimodaltransportoperatorsignsatransportcontractwiththeshippertoorganizetheentiretransportation,andimplementsoneshipmentduringtheentirejourney,oneordertotheend,onecharge,unifiedclaimsandfullresponsibility.Itisanadvancedformofcargotransportationorganizationfortheconvenienceofshippersandshippers.AdvantagesofInternationalMultimodalTransportInternationalmultimodaltransportisamoreadvancedformoftransportationorganizationthansectiontransport.Inthe1960s,theUnitedStatesfirstpilotedmultimodaltransportoperationsandwaswelcomedbycargoowners.Subsequently,internationalmultimodaltransportbegantobeadoptedinNorthAmerica,EuropeandtheFarEast;inthe1980s,internationalmultimodaltransportwasgraduallyimplementedindevelopingcountries.Atpresent,internationalmultimodaltransporthasbecomeanewtypeofimportantinternationalcontainertransportationmethod,whichhasreceivedwidespreadattentionfromtheinternationalshippingcommunity.TheUnitedNationsConventiononInternationalMultimodalTransportwasconvenedinGenevainMay1980attheUnitedNationsConventiononInternationalMultimodalTransport.Theconventionwillenterintoforceoneyearafterratificationandaccessionby30countries

  • Categories:Industry knowledge
  • Author:本站站长
  • Origin:本站
  • Time of issue:2017-12-08 08:52
  • Views:
Overview of International Container Multimodal Transport
International container transportation is an advanced modern transportation method. Compared with the traditional mode of bulk cargo transportation, it has the characteristics of high transportation efficiency, good economic benefits and excellent service quality. Because of this, container transportation has developed rapidly around the world and has become the best mode of transportation for countries around the world to ensure international trade. Especially after decades of development, as the complete set of software and hardware technology for container transportation has matured, by the 1980s, container transportation had entered the era of international multimodal transport. International multimodal transport is a new mode of transport organization using containers for intermodal transport. It uses sea, land, air and other two means of transportation to complete the coherent international transportation of goods, thereby breaking the traditional practice of inconsistent single sea, rail, public and air transport modes. Today, providing high-quality international multimodal transport services has become an important means for container operators to enhance their competitiveness.
I. Definition and Characteristics of International Multimodal Transport
International Multimodal Transport (MultimodaI Transport) is a form of intermodal transport that aims to achieve the optimal benefits of overall cargo transportation. It usually uses a container as a transportation unit, and organically combines different transportation methods to form a continuous, comprehensive and integrated cargo transportation. Through one consignment, one billing, one document, and one insurance, the carriers of each transportation section jointly complete the entire transportation of the goods, that is, the entire transportation of the goods is arranged as a complete single transportation process. However, it is very different from the traditional single mode of transportation. According to the definition of the 1980 United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport (hereinafter referred to as the "Multimodal Transport Convention") and the "Rules for the Management of International Multimodal Transport of Containers" jointly issued by the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Railways in 1997, international multimodal transport is Means "in accordance with a multimodal transport contract, at least two different modes of transport, the transport of goods by a multimodal transport operator from the place where the goods are taken over in one country to the designated place delivered in another country".
According to this definition, combined with actual international practices, it can be concluded that the following features or basic conditions must be included in the formation of international multimodal transport:
(1) Must have a multimodal transport contract. This transportation contract is the contractual relationship between the multimodal transport operator and the shipper's rights, obligations, responsibilities and exemptions, and the determination of the nature of the transportation. It is also the main basis for distinguishing multimodal transport from general cargo transportation.
(2) A full multimodal transport document must be used. The document should meet the needs of different modes of transport and charge the entire freight rate at a single freight rate.
(3) Must be continuous transportation with at least two different modes of transportation.
(4) It must be international cargo transportation. This is not only different from domestic cargo transportation, but is mainly related to the application of international transportation regulations.
(5) A multimodal transport operator must be responsible for the entire transportation of goods. The multimodal transport operator is not only the party to the multimodal transport contract, but also the issuer of the multimodal transport document. Of course, while the multimodal transport operator fulfills the transportation responsibilities specified in the multimodal transport contract, it may entrust all or part of the transport to another person (sub-carrier) to complete and conclude a sub-transport contract. However, there is no contractual relationship between the carrier and the shipper of the sub-contract.
It can be seen that the main feature of international multimodal transport is that the multimodal transport operator signs a transport contract with the shipper to organize the entire transportation, and implements one shipment during the entire journey, one order to the end, one charge, unified claims and full responsibility. It is an advanced form of cargo transportation organization for the convenience of shippers and shippers.
Advantages of International Multimodal Transport
International multimodal transport is a more advanced form of transportation organization than section transport. In the 1960s, the United States first piloted multimodal transport operations and was welcomed by cargo owners. Subsequently, international multimodal transport began to be adopted in North America, Europe and the Far East; in the 1980s, international multimodal transport was gradually implemented in developing countries. At present, international multimodal transport has become a new type of important international container transportation method, which has received widespread attention from the international shipping community. The United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport was convened in Geneva in May 1980 at the United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport. The convention will enter into force one year after ratification and accession by 30 countries. Its entry into force will have a positive impact on the development of international multimodal transport in the future.
International multimodal transport is the direction of development of international transport in the future. This is because the development of international container multimodal transport has many advantages, mainly in the following aspects:
(1) Simplify the consignment, settlement and claims procedures, saving manpower, material resources and related costs: under the international multimodal transport mode) no matter how far the goods are transported, they are jointly completed by several modes of transport, and no matter how much the goods pass through during transit This conversion, all transportation matters are handled by the multimodal transport operator. The shipper only needs to handle the shipment once, conclude a contract of carriage, pay the cost once, and insure the insurance once, thereby eliminating many inconveniences of the shipper in handling the shipping procedures. At the same time, because multimodal transport uses a freight document and unified billing, it can also simplify manufacturing and settlement procedures, saving manpower and material resources. In addition, once cargo damage occurs during transportation, the multimodal transport operator will Responsible for the entire transportation, which can also simplify claims procedures and reduce claims costs.
(2) Shorten the time of cargo transportation, reduce inventory, reduce cargo damage and freight accidents, and improve the quality of freight: Under the international multimodal transport mode, each transport link and various means of transport are closely coordinated, the connection is compact, and the goods go wherever they go The transit is quick and timely, which greatly reduces the transit time of the goods, which basically guarantees that the goods are safely, quickly, accurately and timely arrived at their destinations, and accordingly reduces the inventory and cost of the goods accordingly. At the same time, the multimodal transport system uses containers for direct transport for the transport unit. Although the freight must be converted many times during the transportation, due to the use of professional machinery for loading and unloading, and no internal cargo is involved, the cargo damage and freight accidents are greatly reduced. Greatly improved the quality of transportation of goods.
(3) Reduce transportation costs and save various expenses: Because multimodal transport can implement door-to-door transportation, for the owner, after the goods are delivered to the first carrier, the freight document can be obtained and the foreign exchange can be settled accordingly. Thus the settlement time is advanced. This is not only useful for accelerating the turnover of funds occupied by goods, but also reducing interest expenses. In addition, because the goods are transported in the container, in a sense, the expenses of packing, tally and insurance of the goods can be saved accordingly.
(4) Improve the level of transportation management and realize the rationalization of transportation: For section transportation, the operators of various modes of transportation have their own policies and systems, so their business scope is limited and the volume of freight is correspondingly limited. And once different operators jointly participate in multimodal transport, the scope of operations can be greatly expanded, and at the same time, the existing equipment can be used to the maximum, and the optimal transportation route can be selected to organize rational transportation.
(5) Other functions: From the perspective of the government, the development of international multimodal transport has the following important significance: it is conducive to strengthening the government's supervision and management of the entire cargo transportation chain; ensuring that the country has a larger Proportion of freight income distribution; help to introduce new advanced transportation technology; reduce foreign exchange expenditure; improve the use of domestic infrastructure; ensure the use of transportation methods with the least environmental damage to protect the country's ecological environment through the country's macro-control and guidance functions purpose.
3. Organizational Forms of International Multimodal Transport
International multimodal transport is a form of transport organization that uses two or more different transport modes for intermodal transport. The at least two modes of transportation referred to here may be: land, sea, air, sea and air. This is fundamentally different from general sea, sea, land, air and other forms of intermodal transportation. Although the latter is also a combined transport, it is still a mode of transportation between the same means of transportation. As we all know, various transportation modes have their own advantages and disadvantages. Generally speaking, water transportation has the advantages of large volume and low cost; road transportation has the characteristics of flexibility and mobility, which is convenient for cargo door to door transportation. The main advantage of railway transportation is that it is not affected by climate and can penetrate inland and across The inland transport of goods is long-distance, on time; the main advantage of air transport is that it can realize the rapid transport of goods. Because international multimodal transport strictly stipulates that two or more transport modes must be used for intermodal transport, this form of transport organization can comprehensively take advantage of the advantages of various transport modes and fully reflect the characteristics of large-scale social production and transportation.
Because international multimodal transport has unparalleled advantages in other forms of transport organization, this new international transport technology has been widely promoted and applied in major countries and regions around the world. At present, the representative multimodal transports in the country are mainly Far East / Europe, Far East / North America, and other land, sea, and air transport. The organizational forms include:
1. Land and sea transport
Sea and land transportation is the main organization of international multimodal transportation, and it is also one of the main organizations of Far East / Europe multimodal transportation. At present, the organization and operation of the Far East / European land and sea transport business are mainly the international shipping companies such as the Sanlian Group of the Liner Association, North Holland, Guanhang, and Maersk of Denmark, and the China Ocean Shipping Company, the Taiwan Evergreen Shipping Company and Germany Naya shipping company and so on. This organization takes shipping companies as the main body, issues intermodal bills of lading, conducts intermodal operations with inland transportation departments at both ends of the route, and competes with mainland bridge transportation.
2. Land Bridge Transportation
In international multimodal transport, Land Bridge Service plays a very important role. It is the main form of international multimodal transport in the Far East / Europe. The so-called land bridge transportation refers to a continuous transportation mode that uses a container-dedicated train or truck and uses a railway or highway that crosses the mainland as an intermediate "bridge" to connect the container shipping routes at both ends of the mainland with the special train or truck. Strictly speaking, land bridge transportation is also a form of combined land and sea transportation. Just because of its unique position in international multimodal transport, it is considered here as a form of transportation organization alone. At present, the land bridge transport routes in the Far East / Europe include the Siberian Continental Bridge and the North American Continental Bridge.
(1) Siberian Landbridge
The Siberian Land Bridge (SLB) refers to the use of international standard containers to transport goods from the Far East to the eastern ports of Russia, and then to the Baltic coasts such as Tallinn, Estonia or Riga, Latvia via the Trans-Eurasian Railway on the West Baltic Sea It is then transported by rail, road or sea to international multimodal transport routes. The Siberian Land Bridge was formally established by the former All-Soviet Foreign Trade and Transportation Corporation in 1971. Now the annual freight volume is as high as 100,000 TEUs, with a maximum of 150,000 TEUs. Operators using this land bridge transportation line are mainly freight forwarding companies in Japan, China and European countries. Among them, Japan exported V3 to European groceries, and 1/5 of European groceries to Asia was transported via this land bridge. This shows that it plays an important role in communicating with Eurasia and promoting international trade.
The Siberian Continental Bridge transportation includes four modes of transportation: "Sea-Tie-Tie", "Sea-Tie-Sea", "Sea-Tie-Bus" and "Sea-Public-Air". Russia's Transit Transport Corporation (SOJUZTRANSIT) acts as the chief operator. It has the right to issue a transit permit for the goods, and issues a unified full-way bill of lading to bear the responsibility for the entire transportation. As for the transport sections participating in the intermodal transportation, the "mutual support and carrier" relay method is used to complete the entire intermodal transportation task. It can be said that the Siberian Continental Bridge is a typical cross-border multimodal transport line. The Siberian Land Bridge is currently the longest land bridge transport line in the world. It greatly shortens the transportation distance from Japan, the Far East, Southeast Asia and Oceania to Europe, and thus saves transportation time. The total length of the land bridge transport line from the Far East to Russia's Pacific coast port to Europe is 13,000km. The corresponding full waterway transportation distance (via the Suez Canal) is about 20,000km. From Yokohama, Japan to Rotterdam, Europe, the use of land bridge transportation can not only shorten the transport distance by 1/3, but also save 1/2 of the transportation time. In addition, in general, transportation costs can also be saved by about 20% to 30%, so it has great appeal to the owner.
Due to the advantages of the Siberian Continental Bridge, with its increasing popularity and fear, it has also attracted a lot of transportation from the Far East, Southeast Asia and Oceania to Europe, making the Siberian Continental Bridge in a few years China has developed rapidly. However, the management problems of the Siberian Continental Bridge transportation, such as insufficient port loading and unloading capacity, insufficient rail container vehicles, severe imbalance of container flow, and the impact of severe cold weather, have hindered its development to a certain extent. Especially with the integration of China's Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway and the Turkish-Western Railway on the border between China and Kazakhstan, a new "Eurasian Continental Bridge" was formed, which provided another convenient route for international container multimodal transport from the Far East to Europe, making the West afraid The Leah Continental Bridge faces a severe competitive situation.
(2) North American Landbridge
The North American Continental Bridge refers to the "land, sea, and sea" link between the Far East and Europe using the North American railroad. The land bridge transportation includes the United States Continental Bridge transportation and the Canadian Continental Bridge transportation. The United States Continental Bridge has two transportation routes: one is a railway and road transportation line from the western Pacific coast to the eastern Atlantic coast; the other is a railway and road transportation line from the western Pacific coast to the southeastern Gulf coast. At the end of 1971, the U.S. Continental Bridge was transported by shipping companies and railways operating the Far East / Europe routes into the joint operation of the "sea-land-sea" multimodal transport line. Later, several US liner companies have also begun operations. At present, there are mainly four groups operating international multimodal transport services from the Far East to the United States via the Continental Bridge to Europe. These groups issue multimodal transport documents as operators and are responsible for the entire transportation. The Canadian Continental Bridge is similar to the American Continental Bridge. The shipping company transports the cargo to Vancouver, rail to Montreal or Halifax, and then connects to the Atlantic Ocean.
The North American Continental Bridge is the world's oldest, most influential, and most widely used land bridge transportation line in the world. According to statistics, more than 50% of the cargo from the Far East to the North American East Coast is transported by double-deck trains, because this land-bridge transportation method is usually 1 to 2 weeks faster than the full-water transportation method. For example, it takes about 5 to 6 weeks for the container cargo to travel from Tokyo, Japan to the port of Rotterdam, Europe via the Panama Canal or Suez Canal, while the North American land bridge transportation takes only about 3 weeks.
With the successful operation of the United States and Canada Continental Bridge Transportation, other regions in North America have also launched Continental Bridge Transportation. The Mexican Land Bridge is one of them. The continental bridge spans the Isthmus Tehuantepec, connecting the Salina Cruz port on the Pacific coast and the Coatzacoalcos port on the Gulf coast. The Mexican Continental Bridge began operations in 1982. Currently, its service range is limited, and its impact on the transportation of other ports and continental bridges is still small.
In the face of strong competition from the North American Continental Bridge, the Panama Canal is arguably one of the biggest losers. With North America

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